Stargate airbrush mural made in Montreal
This mural represents the Stargate. It was painted on a 8×12 feet canvas. Once finished, this painting can be affixed on any wall.
The client can now simply choose a galaxy as a destination and go through the Stargate.
Creations Jean Pronovost mission is to make any dreams come true!

The fresco is now finished. We can appreciate the lights and the details in the Stargate’s dial.

On this picture, Jean Pronovost is standing in front of the Stargate’s mural he created using airbrush.

Here are the details of the finishing touches of his airbrushed mural.

The mural is taking shape. The last plane is practically done and the aquatic texture in the middle of the Stargate is completed. The airsbrush is a tool which helps getting realistic results.

The mural is nearly finished. Last details are done with a hanbrush, except certain figures which were stencilled.