Conceptualization and Airbrush painting of the album cover Joie d’être gai from Les 3Accord music Band

The Quebec pop rock music group Les 3 accords approached Quebec artist painter Jean Pronovost to paint the cover of their 5th album Joie d’être gai.

joiedetregai airbrush

We see here the cover of the album Joie d’être gai from Trois Accords painted by Jean Pronovost. The artist also has to create the design according to the group’s guidelines, and once approved has done the airbrush painting.

airbrush 3 accords

In this photo we see the original work painted by the Quebec artist painter Jean Pronovost, the work is extremely kitsch as the group wanted and was designed for the album cover, which explains the composition gathered in the lower left corner.

band airbrush

We see here that the group used the painting of the artist painter Jean Pronovost as a backdrop for a photo shoot.