Louis XV style mural and faux marble
In this elegant private house, two very classic objects were entrusted to « Créations Jean Pronovost » : Painting the octagonal ceiling in the Louis XV style of Versailles and create a faux marble on the external surface of the whirlpool.
We can appreciation the classic ambiance of both finished projects; the Louis XV motif mural on the ceiling and the marble faux finish on the whirlpool are harmonized with the marble floor.

The faux marble painted on the exterior surface of the whirlpool, first made of wood (masonit), is now finished.
We can discern the different types of vein on the faux marble done with a paintbrush. The glossy and reflective aspects were executed on the false marble with an urethane varnish and was then polished. This varnish provides two essential characteristics of the project: the durability and impermeability of the faux finish executed on the wood of the exterior surface of the whirlpool and also the shiny aspect of the polished marble.

The Louis XV inspired mural is done.
This project needing patience and determination finally gives the desired look of the Versailles palace. We can notice the flowers which gets smaller as they rise toward the ceiling, providing a sense of depth.

Detail of the varnished mural.
We can notice the airbrush painted flowers which gives a very complex and rich results.

On this picture, we can see a step of the creation of the Louis XV pattern for the octagonal ceiling.
A complex system of caches was used to create the planned results. This mural needed many similar steps in order to provide a homogeneousness and richness to the ceiling.

All the painting on the ceiling were done on a stepladder.
Here, we can see the last step of the project. Each flowers and lines creating the rhombus were shadowed using a paintbrush before the application of several layer of varnish.