Bronze sculpture created from life casting done with the use of live model

Sculpture made from the molding of life casting done with the use of live models. However, the edition resulting
from the molding was Modified and transformed by several stages of different sculptures and techniques to arrive
at this sculpture.This sculpture is made of resin, fiber glass, steel and bronze. It is a Personal work titled
“Bride of the cosmophore” from the Montreal painter and sculptor artist Jean Pronovost. To see more of his
artwork, have a look at his art web site:

sculpture au fini de bronze réalisé à partir de moulage de modèle de vivant Sculpture bronze

Details from the bronze sculpture made from molding of life casting of live model

Sculpture et moulage à Montréal - Jean Pronovost artiste peintre et sculpteur à Montréal

The Quebec sculptor Jean Pronovost just unmold a second edition of the sculpture « The Cosmophore Bride”. The blue mold was made so to create a second sculpture. Complex molding techniques such as this are another specialty of Créations Jean Pronovost.

Sculpture Montréal
The sculpture is shown with its bronze layer.  Real bronze powder was used to accomplish this effect.  Several other techniques were employed for the oxidized appearance.  Those techniques provide realism without having to detour by a foundry.

To discover Jean Pronovost‘s personal collection, go to his artisic website : : Visionary surrealist fine art paintings and sculptures