Monumental sculpture of a pink flamingo
Montreal sculptor Jean Pronovost recently created this monumental sculpture representing a gigantic pink flamingo in a farcical position. This unique commission was a request from a collective of Quebec artists and will be used during an artistic performance.
Les creations Jean Pronovost, specialized, among several artistic fields, in large-size sculpture, molding and the reproduction of objects and artworks, realized this figurative sculptural work in the record time of two weeks. Various techniques were used for this sculpture project. Metal bar torsion, welding, application of resin and fiberglass as well as real-size sculpting using mechanical tools. The painting was done using airbrush. The technical know-how for such irregular project is one of the strenghts which demarcates this creative company from Quebec. Indeed, be it for a large size decorative sculpture or a hyperrealist molding for a museum, special effects for movies or the integral molding of a human body, the Quebec sculptor Jean Pronovost is always open to realize large-scale sculptural projects.
We can see on this picture the scale model which was used as a reference for the development of the sculpture. Its dimension was approximately of 6 inches. The challenge was to enlarge 15 times the dimension of this small plastic sculpture representing a pink flamingo. The techniques used to realize this feat involves, of course, lots of know-how and imagination.
The first step for this large size decorative sculpture project was the conception of the internal structure in folded steel, fifteen times larger than the original. The challenge was to respect the axis, angles and curves of the original scale model. The iron skeleton was realized by Jean Pronovost and his partners specialized in artistic melding. This crucial step was to be the pink flamingo sculpture’s vertebrae. The proportions were precisely respected. The result had to satisfy a balance, solidity and a respectable weight. The base was studied and strengthened to support the massive body of the sculpture and its exceptional aerodynamics without which the monumental sculpture would have been unbalanced and, consequently, would have simply fell on the ground.
The construction of the metallic bone structure was done in 2 days. A net in lighter steel similar to climbing frame was added to the ensemble to fit the structural shape of the bird and thus create a base strong enough to support the fiberglass covered with resin.
The diversification of new techniques for sculptures and painting developed by the sculptor Jean Pronovost enables his creative enterprise to constantly evolve and answer the needs for the most complex projects.
On this picture, we can see the figurative sculpture of the pink flamingo at the start of the second step : the layering of the fiberglass on the steel net. This important step required an experienced dexterity so the volume of the sculpture will be respected. The layer of resin must be thick enough to guarantee an extreme resistance against shock.
The sculpture is now entirely covered in fiberglass. As we can see, it has perfectly stuck to the metal structure. The ultra light fiber shell now offers all the necessary resitance and permanence necessary for this monumental work. The techniques and creativity of Montreal sculptor Jean Pronovost are united to provide amazing quality and resistance for the most audacious clients.
The third step consists in sanding the monumental sculpture to smooth it and provide a texture without asperity. Then, the artist Jean Pronovost sculpted the wings and the feathers using a grinding wheel. This finishing touch is vital since it must be very precise. It will give the final render of this figurative sculpture. The realism must be conform to the scale model which, may I remind you, is fifteen times smaller. It is very difficult to handle this tool which can easily demolish the fiberglass if too much pressure is exerted. On this picture we can see the deal of the sculpture by subtraction and observe the finishing and exactitude of this last step before the sculpture is painted.
The fourth step is now finished. The layering and the colors selection must be similar to the original scale model. The mastering of Jean Pronovost for airbrush painting enables quick and impressive results for this type of finishing. The animal sculpture is now finished.
The sculpture, impressive by its realism, is on its final position in this picture. We can observe the fantasy of this work and the technical challenge it represents. The original scale model on the right gives you an idea of the scope and the mastery of the creations by the sculpture department of Créations Jean Pronovost.